One of Vaeda’s moms first contacted me when she was searching for a baby photographer in Minneapolis, and I’m so happy that she found me! It has been great working with this family over the last year or so and watching Vaeda grow from a tiny newborn to a busy one year old. They signed up for my First Year Collective, and chose to do a maternity, newborn, 6 months and one year session.
Both moms used pieces from my studio wardrobe for their session, and I had a ton of cute outfits for Vaeda as well. I know I don’t show my baby/kid wardrobe anywhere specific on here, but almost every baby and child shown on my website is wearing something from my studio wardrobe. It makes it so easy to not have to shop or worry about coordinating outfits, and best of all – no laundry! I take care of all of that, and my clients absolutely love this service.
Here are some favorites from our four sessions together:
Looking for a baby photographer in Minneapolis? Click the contact tab and let’s chat!